Browse Items (404 total)

Das Schachproblem

1 plate with the portrait of J. Berger, 278 pages and many diagrams. Cloth binding with gilt lettering on the spine. This copy was owned by Hugo von Reininghaus as you can see from his Exlibris.

Das New Yorker Schachturnier 1927

8°, index, 176 pages, original publisher cloth, all 60 games annotated by. A. Aljechin.

Das erste internationale Schachmeisterturnier in Kecskemét 1927

8° octavo, with 4 plates, XVI introduction by A. Vajda and H. Kmoch, 146 commentated games with many diagrams, 5 pages chessproblems - 3 mover, index, 157 Seiten.

Chess, An annotated bibliography 1969-1988

original black publisher binding with front and spine printing.