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Overbrook Press Chess Problems Books

4 pages publisher folder

Väreldsschackturnering Göteborg 1955

Göteborg1955-programm cover.jpg
Program of the Interzonal tournament Göteborg 1955 and the preliminary F.I.D.E congress. 24 pages, stapled, many pictures and some advertisements.

Schach Staatsmeisterschaft der Herren, Lienz 1981

Schach Staatsmeisterschaft Lienz 1981 - Programmheft cover.jpg
Program, stapled, about 84 unnumbered pages, many pictures, some historical reviews and advertisements.

Haag 1921

Haag 1921.jpg
100 pages, 7 pictures within 4 plates

Weidenau 1950. 20 Jahre Schachturniere im Siegerland

With some text illustrations. 68 pages, stapled cardboards.