Browse Items (64 total) Collection: Tournaments Browse All Browse by Tag Search Items of 7 Next Page Sort by: TitleCreatorDate Added Internationales Kaiser Jubiläums Turnier 1898 Nürnberg 1906 Das Internationale Gambitturnier in Baden bei Wien 1914 Internationales Schach-Turnier Wien 1908 Das internationale Schachturnier im Ostseebad Niendorf 1927 59 pages Das Internationale Schachmeisterturnier in Karlsbad 1907 22th World Student Chess Championship 1977, Mexico Publisher binding 21th World Student Chess Championship 1976, Caracas 20th World Student Chess Championship 1974, Teesside Teesside 1974. World Student Chess Team Championship. Teesside, England, July 15th - August 2nd, 1974. Selected games with annotations in English. Algebraic notation. Many diagrams. Brief round reports. Cross tables. Several photos in low quality.… Tags: World Student Chess Championship 19th World Student Chess Championship 1972, Graz of 7 Next Page Featured Item No featured items are available.